The long awaiting SJCAM SJ6 Legend v1.4.3 firmware update is finally here!
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SJCAM SJ6 Legend v1.4.3 Firmware and Changelog:
1. Fixed camera mode Metering is not saved
2. Modified Gyroscope: Gyro is disabled when FOV is turned on.
3. When in photo mode, Gyro high mode images will not be saved.
4. Dascham Mode Optimized: Power off will be delayed by 10 seconds after being unplugged
5. Removed Non-Italian words under Italian menu
6. Fixed 2K @ 30FPS WDR off, FOV Narrow, fisheye off, anti-shake off = There was a yellow line
7. Optimized video quality while in video mode with Narrow FOV.
1. Optimized the charging icon with the newest battery icon
2. Optimized After turning on the gyroscope, FOV narrow issue arises.
3. When in dashcam mode, Loop recording will be turned on by default, instead of the normal off.
4. Changed Mode button function to be able to adjust camera modes allowing full button operation of SJ6 (helpful when camera is in waterproof case).
5. Video Lock protection added when you press menu button.
6. Add shortcut start stop recording button
7. Optimizes Video Playback: When Video is deleted it will return to playback menu, Fixes playback of audio only and not video. Also, fixes repeat play unit will freeze issue.
1. Add 1080p 50fps, 1080p 25fps options
2. Optimizes Image quality and clarity optimization
3. Modifies OK button hot pixels fix: now need to press for 10 seconds (before it was only 2 seconds so people got confused).
4. Modifies insert external mic, the recording is only recorded from the external MIC.
SJ6 v1.4.3 Download Link
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