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Showing posts from October, 2019

Selpic S1, S1+ Handy Printers shake up the Quick-Drying Ink Printing Industry!

Selpic S1 is the new epic quick-drying handheld printer from American company Selpic. The S1 handy printer pulls itself ahead of the other handheld printer competitors as it supports quick-drying ink. Competitors like the Ricoh handy printer, PrintDream's Printbrush, print cube (PrinCube), and Evebot PrintPen, don't truly support quick-drying inks. What is the difference? Quick-dry inkjet technology drys within 3 seconds of hitting any surface. This means the Selpic S1 can print on non-porous surfaces like glass, metals, plastics, tables, doors and any glossy surface you can image. Traditional water-based ink can only dry on porous surfaces such as paper and other stationary. The S1 can also print at different angles and in different directions. Traditional handheld printers can only print from left-to-right horizontally, whereas the S1 can also print right-to-left (RTL), and can print on curved surfaces such as water bottles, balloons and even your arms (yes skin-frie...